Technical Information
CITADEL™ is a carbon-based product derived from natural materials and is packed with an innate combination of significant plant bio-stimulant properties.
- Contains a broad range of amino acids, specifically high in glutamic acid: 41 g/kg.
- Boasts significant levels of humic extracts: 35.0-45.0%.
- Offers maintenance levels of macro, meso and micro elements, including Fe & Ni.
- Includes an array of vital plant sugars which support the plants major functions.
- Supplies various proteins to support the plants functional roles: 160 g/kg.
- Breakdown of technical analysis is written as w/w %.
CITADEL™ is a multi-use, carbon-based liquid fertiliser. A rich dark brown liquid, made from fermented plant-based materials where the free sugars are converted to proteins.
CITADEL™ contains a broad spectrum of amino acids, including an abundance of Glutamic acid which plays an extremely important role in plant growth and development, and humic extracts, important for nutrient buffering, building carbohydrates, organic matter, and beneficial biology. It is the natural solution to enhancing a plants instinctive development.
CITADEL™ contains a broad spectrum of amino acids, including an abundance of Glutamic acid which plays an extremely important role in plant growth and development, and humic extracts, important for nutrient buffering, building carbohydrates, organic matter, and beneficial biology. It is the natural solution to enhancing a plants instinctive development.
- Packed with a natural beneficial combination of humic extracts, amino acids and trace elements, CITADEL™ has significant plant bio-stimulant properties that boost the plant’s ability to cope with stressful conditions including drought, heat, and salinity, which could cause the plant to become overwhelmed, leading to dormancy and damage. CITADEL™ can encourage the plant to keep growing, stimulating a natural stress-response.
- Contains many plant derived macro and trace minerals in a balanced and organic form, available for quick uptake by plants.
- Provides an effective and available source of carbon energy, carbohydrates, and critical trace minerals to feed and stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms so that soil life will flourish, creating greater natural soil fertility, generating further benefits for soil structure and nutrient availability, and enabling critical biochemical transformations.
- Contains amino acids such as glutamic acid which is vital to wound response, pathogen resistance, response and adaptation to abiotic stress (such as salt, cold, heat, and drought), and local stimulation (abiotic or biotic stress) triggering long distance signalling transduction.
- Glutamic acid forms Glutamate & Glutamine enzymes which form part of the nitrogen response & synthesis pathways making it vital to nitrogen use efficiency.
- Supplying amino acids directly to the plant helps it save energy when synthesising them, obtaining a better and faster response. Amino acids are rapidly taken up by the plants and immediately transported to the growth points.
- The use of CITADEL™ has shown that it helps buffer nitrogen in the soil and aids its synthesis in the leaf. If CITADEL™ is included in foliar programs, the need for nitrogen in other forms may be reduced.
Directions For Use
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
COMPATIBILITY: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor or local AIVA FERTILISER representative. Carry out a jar test before adding to a new mix.
MIXING: Add the recommended quantity of AF CITADEL to the liquid applicator and top with the required water dosage.
DOSE RATE: 10-75 L/ha/season depending on crop and Nitrogen applications.
WATER RATE: Can be applied neat or with water according to applicator requirements.
MIXING: Add the recommended quantity of AF CITADEL to the spray tank (if) before adding any foliar nutrition. Maintain agitation during the mixing and loading until spraying is complete.
DOSE RATE: 5-10 L/ha
WATER RATE: 100-200 L/ha
It is advised for you to discuss AF CITADEL with your Aiva Representative before you start using the product to get the best value from it.
COMPATIBILITY: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor or local AIVA FERTILISER representative. Carry out a jar test before adding to a new mix.
MIXING: Add the recommended quantity of AF CITADEL to the liquid applicator and top with the required water dosage.
DOSE RATE: 10-75 L/ha/season depending on crop and Nitrogen applications.
WATER RATE: Can be applied neat or with water according to applicator requirements.
MIXING: Add the recommended quantity of AF CITADEL to the spray tank (if) before adding any foliar nutrition. Maintain agitation during the mixing and loading until spraying is complete.
DOSE RATE: 5-10 L/ha
WATER RATE: 100-200 L/ha
It is advised for you to discuss AF CITADEL with your Aiva Representative before you start using the product to get the best value from it.
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